Seven Steps To Servicing The Pump On Your Clean Energy Heating Systems Furnace

When you treat it right, your Clean Energy Heating Systems furnace will perform at its best and save you a lot of money on your heating costs.

And fortunately, we’ve made it simple to maintain our furnaces!

For example, to service the pump on our furnaces, you need only follow seven easy steps. Or click over to our waste oil furnace videos page for a step-by-step demonstration!

1. Identify if the pump needs to be serviced. If the vacuum gauge on the canister filter is reading more than 10 inches of vacuum, then it’s time to service the pump.

2. Remove the pump head using a 5/32″ Allen wrench.

3. Remove the canister by using a 3/16″ Allen wrench with a long extension.

4. After you have the pump head screen and canister filter removed, use parts washer or carburetor cleaner to clean them.

5. Before reinstalling the pump head screen, remove the pump head gasket and replace it with a new gasket.

6. Reinstall the pump head and canister.

7. Last, prime the pump.

To prime the pump, manually fill it with used oil. To accomplish this, remove the ½” plug and open the ball valve. Then pour oil into the ball valve so that the pump head and canister are completely full of oil. Close the ball valve and replace the plug.

Second, program the primary control on the burner to the pump priming mode, which will keep the pump running for approximately four minutes. During that time, take a 3/8″ wrench and open the bleeder port on the pump head, catching the stream of oil into a drain pan. This may take up to a minute as you wait for a solid stream of oil without air bubbles to come from the bleeder port.

Pretty straightforward, right? Maintaining your waste oil furnace’s pump isn’t complicated, and it will help ensure your equipment delivers optimal efficiency and cost savings.

Check out videos of how to perform service on your Clean Energy furnace. Or, if you have questions or need additional information, please refer to your owner’s manual or contact us online today. We’re here to make sure your investment in our products helps boost your business’s bottom line for the long term!
