Why Waste Oil Furnaces Make More “Cents” Than Solar Electricity

Waste oil furnaces and solar electricity have a lot in common. They’re both environmentally friendly ways to produce energy. They both help reduce your company’s dependence on fossil fuels, and they both can have a significant impact on your bottom line.

Ideally, you could use both technologies to generate energy for your business. But it’s not a perfect world and finances will usually determine which technology you choose. Here are three reasons why waste oil furnaces are the better choice for your energy needs.

Waste Oil Furnaces Are Much Less Expensive

With solar, the current price-per-watt for a fully-installed solar array is roughly $3, and at an average array size of 50kW, or 50,000 watts, that can take the total price well beyond $150,000.

The cost of a solar electricity system and its potential savings depend on a variety of different factors including location, energy requirements and shading among a host of others. While it’s true that with federal incentives, SRECs and depreciation the total price can be significantly reduced, it’s still much more expensive than a waste oil furnace which, depending on the size, start at just under $4,000.

A waste oil furnace is a fixed price and takes advantage of existing waste oil. While an average return-on-investment time could be as much as 12-15 years with solar, you can expect to recoup your waste oil furnace investment in as little as 2-3 years. We even have examples of businesses who have recouped their cost in a matter of months!

Waste Oil Furnaces Require Little Space

A 50kW solar electricity system can take up to 5,000  ft2 of roof space – even more if it’s ground-mounted. That is space that you may or may not have. And that space would have to have the right shading, southern exposure and grading among others.

However, a waste oil furnace can be ceiling-mounted or set in an existing room. And while both solar arrays and waste oil furnaces require professional installation, a solar array as large as a 50kW can take several weeks to install. A waste oil furnace requires a much shorter installation period and like solar, requires very little maintenance.

Waste Oil Furnaces Work on Your Schedule

As opposed to solar, which by its nature is an intermittent energy source, your waste oil furnace operates when you need it. There is no need to worry if your furnace will be able to meet your demand for heat. If you have waste oil to burn, which you most likely do, you’re all set. Our waste oil furnaces will burn standard #2 heating oil, waste oil and any combination of new and used oil products. That means that you can supplement your waste oil supply with heating oil if necessary.

Are you interested in turning your waste stream into clean, safe heat and in addition lowering your impact on the environment? A Clean Energy Heating Systems’ waste oil furnace can help you achieve that goal. Contact us today. We’d be happy to learn about your needs and recommend the perfect waste oil furnace for your business.